Getting Your First Mammogram: Is 50 The New 40?

For many years, women were encouraged to get their first mammogram at the age of 40. However, in more recent years, many doctors have begun recommending that women wait until after their 50th birthday to begin taking advantage of this screening test. Understandably, this change in recommendation has many women questioning when is truly the best time to schedule their first mammogram. Thankfully, it is possible to answer this question on a case by case basis by taking the time to look at the reasons behind this new recommendation as well as your own personal risk factors.

Three Questions To Ask During Your Reconstructive Surgery Consultation

A long list of questions flood your head when you're planning to visit a surgeon for a reconstructive or cosmetic surgery procedure, and while your surgeon will take significant time meeting with you to provide as much information about the surgery as possible, taking your own questions to the consultation can help set your mind at ease. While it might feel as though you could ask 50 questions, it's ideal to narrow your focus and ask questions specific to your procedure.

4 Reasons To Have Your Baby At Home

If you are pregnant, you have probably assumed that you would give birth to your little one in a hospital from the very beginning. Although it is certainly common to give birth in a hospital, there is another option -- having your baby at home, with the help of a midwife. Even if this doesn't seem like the best option to you right now, it can pay to consider the benefits.

Four Tips To Prevent Pain After A Dental Bonding Procedure

In a dental bonding procedure, a dentist applies white paste to tooth cracks and stains. When it hardens, this paste will resemble unblemished enamel and dramatically improve the attractiveness of your smile. But if you decide to get dental bonding done on your teeth, you'll need to follow these four tips to help prevent pain from developing after the procedure. Let Tap Water Warm Up To Room Temperature Before Drinking It

Suffer From Hemorrhoids? Know Your Treatment Options

If you suffer from hemorrhoids, you know how uncomfortable and painful they can be. Below are some natural and medical treatment options to help you deal with this problem and feel better. Hemorrhoids When you have hemorrhoids, the veins in your anal canal become swollen. If they only swell inside, it is called internal hemorrhoids. Sometimes they can also swell at the opening of the anus, and this is called external hemorrhoids.